Friday, January 29, 2016

34 Blessings to Heal Anxiety and Depression

Soon to be available to order on ebooks or on my website, will be my new book, "34 Blessings to Heal Anxiety and Depression" with an accompanied CD for listening.  I produced this CD for soothing listening in the evenings as my clients have requested the meditations that I do with them in session be available at home.  It is fabulous to be able to utilize the CD in the evenings to help with sleep and a general feeling of well-being.  The book is meant to be used in the mornings by reading a "blessing" or passage each day to set the mood and tone for your day.

I chose to name my book "34 Blessings" after my Step Father who passed many years ago.  Although he has been gone a very long time, he made a dramatic impact on my life as well as on many of my family members.  He could be described as a man who represented LOVE and PRESENCE.  By being in his energetic space, you always felt seen and heard and regarded with care.  This has had a powerful influence on me and stays with me many years later.  Presence and feeling cared for is sorely missing from our world in a large way today and something that is needed.  I am happy to share this with you in hopes that it will help in healing your anxiety and depression.  This is just one step in the process of our journey toward opening to love and showing up in our own lives as fully alive and vibrant.  Enjoy!