Saturday, September 14, 2013

What is real love? Love creates feelings of warmth, pleasure, safety, stability and inner peace. Loving behavior does not grind you down, keep you off balance, or create feelings of self-hatred. Love does not hurt, it feels good. Loving behavior nourishes your well-being. When someone is being loving to you, you feel accepted, cared for, valued, and respected. We all deserve genuine love.
A Meta Meditation from Buddhist Work and Yoga Poetry that you can practice for feeling peace: May I be well, May I be happy and content, May I be free from suffering, May I be filled with loving-kindness, May you be well, May you be happy and content, May you be free from suffering, May you be filled with loving-kindness, May all beings be well, May all beings be happy and content, May all beings be free from suffering, May all beings be filled with loving-kindness.